Never before in my Life felt so lonely, helpless and heartache for the past few days. Well, My wife left me for a vacation to China, My son also left me for a camp. Here I am, alone and wonder what to do, who to talk, what to eat????? HUMAN BEING is very very funny, never ever appreciated what they have on hand, only felt the loses when it is away.
When I was away for works, busy schedule do help me to ignore my love to family, but when I sat at home and not much work to do, can't help but thinking of them and it really really make me felt lousy and lonely. Spark my mind on Paul Anka's song " I don't Like to sleep Alone".
Kiaos is getting tough to handle now. Need to put more pressure on him, he must plan a head and work on it, or it will end up like me when i was at his age, totally ignore myself responsibilities, only care for friends. He must learn to put himself as priority. The attitude toward the responsibilities as young man must be set correctly.
Run out of idea to express, hope to get better in next Post