Thursday, July 30, 2009

Your Sunday sermon

Pick From : Raja Petra Kamarudin(NO HOLDs BARRED) - 5TH JULY 2009

They say there are two types of people. There are leaders and there are followers. 1% of the people are leaders while the majority are followers.

Within these two categories are further sub-categories. There are good people and there are bad people.

Within the good people category, they can again be subdivided into two more categories. There are people who are good by nature and there are people who are good because they are scared of being bad. If they were not scared of being bad then they would certainly not be good because being bad is more fun than being good.

And within the bad people category there are people who are bad because they are bad by nature while others are bad because they feel they can get away with being bad without getting caught or that later they can always repent and become good whereby they would be forgiven for all the bad they have done.

And this is why people need religion. Religion stops you from being bad and forces you to be good. Without religion there would be no stick and carrot. You get the stick when you are bad and you get the carrot when you are good. It is a form of punishment and reward system. You get punished when you do bad and you get rewarded when you do good.

In short, religion works on the concept of the bribery system. You are bribed through the punishment and reward system when you do bad and good respectively. And since most people are susceptible to bribes they would conduct themselves accordingly depending on whether they wish to be rewarded or whether they do not fear the punishment and do not care much for the rewards.

Over thousands of years mankind has had to conduct itself based on what religion tells them they should do. Religion has been the guideline for our conduct long before the invention of the police force and the legal system comprising of laws and courts.

The history of religion, however, is a history of violence, persecution, cruelty and brutality. In the name of religion mankind has been subjected to much suffering.

The question is who invented religion? And is religion something that God sent us or something that man created to conveniently oppress and suppress fellow man?

I do not wish to engage in a debate as to the existence of God or otherwise. There are some who believe that there is a God (or Gods). Others believe in the existence of a higher power although they are not quite sure what it is and whether God is the correct word to use for this higher power. Then there are others who believe that man is the product of nature and not of a higher being named God or whatever.

I leave it to you to decide how you came to be.

All religions have what we could call holy books. The ‘main three’, also called the Abrahamic religions, have the Old and New Testaments and the Quran. A study of all three holy books would reveal that there are a lot of similarities and overlapping doctrines. You would not be mistaken if you were to think that the three Abrahamic faiths are actually one faith divided into three sects. Of course, these three ‘sects’ are further divided into many sub-sects who are at most times in conflict with one another.

Man has a natural instinct to be bad. But they are forbidden from being bad basically because the religion they believe in forbids it. If the religion they believe in were silent on the issue then most would choose to be bad rather than good. But they have no choice but to be good because they fear that if they are bad they would receive punishment and not receive the rewards promised to good people.

You could say that most people are not good by nature but are reluctantly good. It is not that there are no good people who are good by nature. There are, although they would be in the minority. And you will find that most of the people who are good by nature do not have any religion. Some do not even believe in God. They are good just because they are, by nature, good and for no other reason -- in particular not because they believe in the system of rewards and punishment that religions propagate.

Has religion succeeded in its job of turning us into good people? Or has it instead turned us into hypocrites? How many of us are good because it is in our heart and how many are good because we have no choice but to be good? If religion were silent on what constitutes good and bad and if there are no rewards and punishment for being either what kind of person would we become?

That is something to ponder upon this Sunday. And before you adopt that holier than thou attitude and start moralizing, ask yourself: are you really a good person who has earned the right to preach or are you actually a hypocrite who is not really good but is just a coward who does not dare become a bad person like how you would rather be if given that opportunity?


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Conspiracy Theory

Origin From RPK : The writing was already on the wall so long ago.
Tranlate by Blogger as Below



Had seen a lot of scene of the above in Movies, does it real?? Only if You trusted the Souces from RPK.

Friday, July 17, 2009


My Favourite Movie star By Sean Connery & Nicolas Cage. A story about a US General do not agreed with the Government handling his men, took up a plot to threat Government for demand. He said "I came before you to protest a grave injustice", a man who fought for his team.

However, as the general was soft heart to launch the chemical missile, he said "This mission was based on the threat of force, We bluffed. They called it. The mission's over."

His followers disagreed and said " The day we took hostages we became mercenaries, and mercenaries get paid", then started the conflicted and end up the plot was successfully brought down.

Moral of the stories do apply to our daily life. We always do not agree with the happening around us, in school, in work places, in parties, in government blah blah, and then here came a hero, who like to change it over, at the price of public.

We are angry over injustice that happen almost everyday, we wanted to do something about it, and we wish we do have the power of spiderman/batman .... which able to kill them all. But, do we realized this is the system we have build, and we all are part of it. To change it, we need to change from the root, THE FAMILY.

Family values must be implanted. World histories had teached us, extremist mostly do not have proper guidance when they are needed during their childhood. So, blame no one but ourself for the life we are living now. Can we change it?? Yes, start now to educate your child now and maybe our grand grand children will enjoy the harvesting.

Just felt sad for the happening in news this few days. Problem start not by accident, but accumulating of a small yet dangerous issues across the time.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Walk To Remember

Have you ever been regretted, when walk through the path of life in the past? Regretted on event that you realize at later age, you just can't reverse back the happening? Well, I do. That's with my beloved father. Still fresh in my mind, when I graduated from University and able to stay back in home town, he felt so great as all of his sons were not with him. We do a lot of talking then when worked at home town, understanding more of his thought, life experiences, and more importantly understand how he crossed the South China Sea from China to Malaysia and started his struggling. He taught me a lot about life, from his experience and reading of the 5000 years of Ancient Chinese history.

As I was young, fresh graduate, very ambitious to achieve my dream, putting up a family, planning the betterment of it, I just conveniently ignore the need that planted deep inside my dad's heart.

My Dad had told me plenty of time that he wish to go back with his sons to where he came from. Guess that was his biggest wish and we just ignored it, having taught that we could do it at later stage.

Still remember, before he was diagnose with Liver Cancer, I told him I will bring him back, and that really make his day. Unfortunately, his wish just can't be fulfill as the strike of the Cancer was so acute.

I went back to his home town then after he passed away, just can't believe a house of 20ftx20ft could occupied the family of so many.

Life Go On, even with the regretted path I learnt, and unable to reverse it. So, If you do have some moment, time that you wish to do whatever, do not hesitate, Please DO IT.


Just try to drop down taught and to remember my dad who passed away 13 years back

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Jokes Pick From Internet

1. 一农夫请兽医给猪配种,兽医说:看来需要人工配种。农夫犹豫了半天,鼓起勇气说:行是行,就怕它咬我。

2. 一个男人怒气冲冲地冲进某单位,嚷道:这里是动物保护协会吗?工作人员:是啊,请问是谁欺负你了?

3. 狱长问临刑前坐在电椅上的死囚:你还有什么要求吗?死囚:我只希望你在行刑的时候能握住我的手,让我心里好过一点儿。

4. 女秘书:老板,你太太来电话,她说要在电话里吻你。老板:你先替我收一下,一会儿过来交给我。

5. 王太太怀了四胞胎,并到处向街坊邻居炫耀,说怀四胞胎很不容易,平均要六万次才会发生一例。李太太很惊异:那你还有空做家务吗?

6. 牧师:你们当中有谁正好今天过生日?汤姆欣喜地举手。牧师:很好,礼拜结束后麻烦你把这些蜡烛吹灭。

7. 两个美国中年人一瘸一拐地在街头相遇,其中一个很激动:朋友,越南,1969!另一个指着身后:朋友,香蕉皮,20尺!

8. 病人对医生说:哎呀!我吃的那些生蚝好象不大对劲!

