Friday, July 17, 2009


My Favourite Movie star By Sean Connery & Nicolas Cage. A story about a US General do not agreed with the Government handling his men, took up a plot to threat Government for demand. He said "I came before you to protest a grave injustice", a man who fought for his team.

However, as the general was soft heart to launch the chemical missile, he said "This mission was based on the threat of force, We bluffed. They called it. The mission's over."

His followers disagreed and said " The day we took hostages we became mercenaries, and mercenaries get paid", then started the conflicted and end up the plot was successfully brought down.

Moral of the stories do apply to our daily life. We always do not agree with the happening around us, in school, in work places, in parties, in government blah blah, and then here came a hero, who like to change it over, at the price of public.

We are angry over injustice that happen almost everyday, we wanted to do something about it, and we wish we do have the power of spiderman/batman .... which able to kill them all. But, do we realized this is the system we have build, and we all are part of it. To change it, we need to change from the root, THE FAMILY.

Family values must be implanted. World histories had teached us, extremist mostly do not have proper guidance when they are needed during their childhood. So, blame no one but ourself for the life we are living now. Can we change it?? Yes, start now to educate your child now and maybe our grand grand children will enjoy the harvesting.

Just felt sad for the happening in news this few days. Problem start not by accident, but accumulating of a small yet dangerous issues across the time.

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