Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Well, It was a enjoyable trip to travel with friends, family and son's friends. I guess having Zhao Xun to try the SCUBA DIVING really brought his taught to another level. Had been telling him about the fun of SCUBA DIVING. I enjoyed the feeling of being yourself underneath. NOBODY border you, NO WEIGHT, MIND IS FLYING FAR FAR AWAY, NO NOISE BUT YOUR OWN HEARTBEAT AND BREATHING BUBBLES. YOUR EYES NOT ONLY LOOKING AT THE BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDING (IMAGINE YOU LOOKED AT FISH INSIDE THE AQUARIUM AND YOU ARE PART OF IT), YOUR EYES ALSO LOOKED BACK TO YOUR HEART. SO REFRESH.

Learnt SCUBA at age 24, and crazy about it since then. However, when family commitment called, practically put behind the sport for 10 years. Having the refresh courses at Redang, and it is great and guess this time my diving buddy will me my son. Had to admit, he swam faster than me, last longer than me now, when he hold the breath and dived, it posted the image of me 20 years back. It's kind of sad but also proud of him. Hopefully he could learn to be more analytical in risk management. SCUBA is an serious sports, it required firm self control, responsibilities. When you are underneath, Single minor mistake KILL.

In Life, we make choices on what available on hand, Zhao Xun will need to make choices on what I provided him. I am making choice to do that, and he need to choose which suit his heart most, and then MOVE ON, no U-TURN.

It's fun to deliver my experience to them, they might be able to digest it, maybe not. Hopefully, they can remember it and I am sure they will understand it in due course.

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