Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Today is Moon Cake Festival.
What could I remember for the past 40 years of Moon Cake Festival??
Remember it is time to have moon cake.
Remember the time where eldest sister's home made moon cake which unable to fulfill the order every year
Remember sharing moments with friends, especially when we are feeling very very down; Remember Pesta Tanglung In UKM, where I did my guitar performance in stage;
Remember sharing life with Huey Ling & Irene at final year;
Remember brought Kioas and Wife at Lumut For Festival Parade;
Remember the taught and life sharing of father before he died;
Remember the love of mother when in UKM Campus for 4 years;
Remember counting stars with wife;
Remember ........................................

Remember so many and missed most were the life I had past, I only able to store as memories, nothing much.
Missed my life with friends, Kok Ang, Mejar EK, ML Ong, Tee Fong, Lian See, and many many more. Just don't understand, most of the festival = Moody, sign of getting old?? Start to appreciated life?? Maybe I had put to much of myself for them, similarly for them, just can't get away from it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's KiAOs By the way..