Friday, October 2, 2009
If I were to say that a certain very senior military officer told me that………..many --in particular those from the legal fraternity -- would say that this is hearsay. If I relate something that someone else told me then that is not admissible as ‘evidence’.
In court, if I relate what I have been told, this is not strong enough. The person who told me that story has to be subpoenaed to appear in court. He or she would have to personally relate whatever it is he or she told me. My ‘second-hand’ version is not acceptable. And he or she has to be a witness to the event. It has to be what he or she saw, and not what he or she was told by yet another party. If not, this would, again, be hearsay.
The same goes for documents. If I adduce a document in court and say this is what was given to me, this too can’t be accepted as evidence. The maker of the document must be subpoenaed to court to testify that he or she is indeed the maker of the document and that it is his or her signature on the document. Even Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had to go to court to testify in a Bank Negara forgery case back in the early 1980s when he first became Prime Minister. Without Dr Mahathir’s testimony that he did not sign that letter and that the letter is, in fact, a forgery, the prosecution would not be able to prove its case and obtain a conviction.
Such is the law of evidence. What someone told you does not count. Even if you can support your statement with a document, that too does not count. The source of the information must personally appear in court and take the witness stand and testify that he or she did in fact say that, or prepared that document, or signed that letter, or whatever.
That is why in my various criminal cases the government chose to charge me under sections of the law where the burden of proof or evidence is not required. Or they chose to detain me without trial where the issue of evidence need not be argued in court. For example, the government says I lied. Yet they won’t charge me for lying -- like for signing a false declaration. Instead, they charge me for sedition and criminal defamation where the truth of the matter is not material to the charge. Even if I told the truth I am still guilty and can be sent to jail.
The government realises that I may have witnesses who are prepared to come to court to testify that they did indeed say what I wrote and that means I did not lie. So, when my lawyers argue about the falsity or truth of what I wrote, the prosecution jumps to its feet and reminds the judge that the court must ignore this argument and just focus on whether I did or did not write what I am alleged to have written (which means I am guilty of a crime) and not whether what I wrote is true or false (because even if it is true I am still guilty).
In court, we dabble at great length on the laws or evidence and about what constitutes hearsay and what is admissible and what is not. And you can get sent to jail just because you related what you were told but fail to bring the teller of the story to court to testify that he or she did indeed relate this story to you. If you say something that is a repeat of what someone else told you, and you can’t drag that person to court to back up your story, then you are in deep shit. You will get sent to jail.
Now, superimpose that onto religion. You tell me that someone told you what someone else told him or her that yet someone else told him or her about what happened 3,500 years ago -- and this story has been transmitted through 140 generations over 3,500 years before they even had pen and paper to record all this -- and I am expected to believe it.
That is 140 generations over 3,500 years. All of them are of course now long dead and gone. So we have no way of confirming this story from eyewitness accounts. And we call it the gospel. Yet when I relate what someone witnessed three years ago and who is still alive and one week ago he told me what he witnesses, that is a lie and I get arrested and charged for this ‘lie’.
Religion, for all intents and purposes, is based on hearsay. And it is hearsay because none of those people who lived 3,500 years ago is still alive today. And they never wrote down what they are alleged to have witnessed. It has all been related by word of mouth and passed down through word of mouth over 140 generations. Have the events and stories the witnesses related 140 generations ago been kept intact these 3,500 years or has over time the stories been corrupted?
They did an experiment once. They asked ten people to sit in a row and the lecturer whispered a story to the first person. The first person then whispered to the second person, who then whispered to the third person, and so on till the last person. It took only minutes for the story to get transmitted down the line from the first to the tenth person.
The tenth person was then asked to relate the story back to the first person and the story the tenth person related was a far departure from what the first person had related. So there you have it. In a mere few minutes, a story told by one person has changed so much by the time it reaches the tenth person sitting in the same room a few feet away. Imagine a story related by 140 generations over 3,500 years halfway around the world. How much of the story remains uncorrupted?
So religion can never be about facts. Facts would be when the witness himself told you what he saw. After 140 layers of ‘mouths’ over 3,500 years, facts no longer exist. And by saying ‘facts’ I am using the standards of the law of evidence applicable in a court of law. Anything other than eyewitness accounts is no longer fact but hearsay. So religion, having happened 3,500 years ago, is therefore hearsay and not facts.
So we need faith when it comes to religion. We can’t apply facts because facts do not exist. How can facts exist when the storyteller has long since died and his story has been passed down by word of mouth over 140 generations? If you lack faith you will reject all these stories. If you insist on applying the proper laws of evidence you will never believe what they tell you about events that happened 3,500 years ago where no witnesses to the events remain alive today.
But we live in a democratic society and if you wish to believe that the moon is made of cheese and that the world is flat and that the sun revolves around earth then that is your choice. You are free to believe what you want to believe. And if you wish to believe that something that is said to have happened 3,500 years ago is true in spite of there not being any witnesses alive today who can confirm these stories then that is also your choice. That is what democracy is all about.
However, we have certain people who believe in what happened 3,500 years ago, in spite of the fact they can’t prove it, and then they expect us to also believe this. If we refuse to believe this they will get very upset. They will arrest us. They will kill us. They force us to believe what they believe and will punish us if we do not.
And this is why the world is facing a lot of problems today. The 6 billion or so inhabitants of the world hold dear stories about what happened 5,000 years or 3,500 years or 2,000 years or 1,500 years ago. And they label themselves with whatever religion they subscribe to. Many have since been killed off. The majority exterminates the minority so those who follow minority religions have long since become extinct.
The majority rules; the minorities got sent to their graves many generations ago. So the religions we follow today are the religions of the victors in the game of wipe out all those who do not believe what we also believe. And we now believe the religion of the victors, not the religions of the vanquished. And this is accepted as the correct and true religions because only these religions still exist while all others have been wiped off the face of this earth.
What is truth and what is farce? We don’t know and we don’t really care because we base our beliefs on faith and not on evidence. And our faith is mostly based on what our parents and their parents before them believed in.
I have met a Muslim ulama who took me for lunch in McDonalds in Washington. He ordered a beef burger and I had fish. He laughed and said he understands that I am from Malaysia so I am just doing the ‘Malay thing’ by eating fish and not any non-halal meat. But beef, even though not slaughtered by a Muslim, is halal, said this ulama of Arab descent who is very senior in the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).
I have met a Muslim ulama who drinks wine. Wine is okay, said the ulama, but not beer, whisky or brandy. And he quoted a verse of the Quran to convince me.
I have met Muslims from Morocco who smoke during the fasting month of Ramadhan but will not eat or drink till the sun goes down.
I have met Muslims who only accept the Quran but not the Hadith. And I have met Muslims who only accept 500 of the Hadith but not the 7,000 that other Muslims accept. And I have met Muslims who take the Quran from its allegorical meaning and not from its literal meaning. And I have met Muslims who translate the Quran from Aramaic and not Arabic, which they say is the correct language of the Quran.
So, even amongst Muslims there are many opinions of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. Some even say that Judaism, Christianity and Islam do not exist because all three are actually the same religion and that Abraham’s teachings and not the teachings of Moses, Jesus or Muhammad is the correct religion to follow.
Who is right and who is wrong? That is for you to decide. And since it is all based on faith with no evidence -- in the context of the law of evidence acceptable in the justice system that we follow -- then you decide the right and the wrong.
But don’t force others to also believe what you believe. Most religions impose their beliefs on others. Since, due to lack of evidence, you can’t prove what is right and what is wrong, you have no business forcing others to also believe what you believe which is all based on faith.
If ‘religionists’ can understand this then the world would be a much better place. Malaysia would be a much better place. And those hundreds of millions who were slaughtered over the last 3,500 years in the name of the ‘true religion’ need not have died needlessly.
This, the religionists, can’t seem to understand. And this is because they have this high and mighty and righteous attitude where only they are right and all others are wrong. It never occurred to them that maybe they are wrong and the other chap could in fact be right. Or that maybe everyone is wrong because at the end of the day religion is all about unproven stories told 140 generations ago and passed down by word of mouth over 3,500 years with no evidence to support the stories or evidence to prove that the stories had not changed or become corrupted over time.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A friend once asked me whether I consider myself a Muslim. I asked him: first of all, what is your interpretation of Muslim? He then asked me what is my interpretation of Muslim. And I gave him my interpretation of Muslim: one who believes in God, the One God, and does what God commands, which is to serve mankind.
Then you are a Muslim, he said.
I know of people who set up Christmas trees every year and place presents below it and get drunk on Christmas Eve. They may even go to church once a year for Christmas Mass. But they believe that whites are superior to non-whites and the genocide of non-whites is no great tragedy to mankind.
These are not Christians.
I know of people who go to Mekah every time they face corruption charges so that they can pray in the ‘House of God’ for divine intervention in beating the corruption charge.
These are not Muslims.
I know of people who perform the pilgrimage to the holiest of temples every year and yet have scores of murders to their credit.
These are not Hindus.
I know of people who place altars and burn joss sticks every morning in their massage parlours that front for brothels.
These are not Buddhists.
To these people, they are ‘religious’ because they perform the rituals associated with whatever religion they believe in. But that is as far as their religion goes. Compassion and service to mankind is not at the top of their priority list. All their actions are guided by greed, lust, vanity, egoism, arrogance, and all those other anti-social attributes you can think of.
It is time Malaysians stopped ‘talking’ religion. Religion is not in the rituals you perform. Religion is not in the clothes you wear. Religion is what is in your heart.
Some Muslims suffer from a very serious fundamental problem. The problem is they do not follow the fundamentals of the religion. Islam is the religion of ‘there is no god but God’. See the small ‘g’ and capital ‘G’ in the two god words? It is spelt that way for a very good reason.
For that matter, many would argue that Islam is not even a religion. It is a way of life. You breathe Islam, so to speak. In other words, every beat of your heart ticking away ticks for Islam. You do not need rituals to prove you are a Muslim. The fact that you are breathing already means you are Muslim because when you breathe in and then out that breath translates to Islam.
If you do not grasp what I am saying then I can't help you. It just means you look at things from a very superficial and on-the-surface perspective. You need to go deeper than that. You need to feel the pulse on your wrist and be able to say, “This is Islam.”
And that is what happens when religion, any religion, has been reduced to rituals, ceremonies and the manner you dress. You lose the essence of the religion. And this is when we start arguing about trivial issues while we allow the essence of the religion to pass unnoticed.
Does it matter what women wear, or how a man dresses, or whatever, when below those external coverings lurk maggots and worms eating away at our soul? I suppose this is a statement many religionists, Muslims included, would not be able to comprehend.
If we believe in God then we would believe that God created us. And would God play games with us by creating us of different faiths so that we may kill one another? All religions believe in the beginning of time and the end of time. And the Abrahamic faiths believe that we are all descendants of one man and one woman, the first two beings on earth.
Would this not then make us all brothers and sisters? And we may be brothers and sisters who follow different paths to the same destination but is this not God's wish and something absolutely beyond our control?
Who are we to question God's wisdom in making one brother/sister a Jew, another a Christian, yet another a Muslim, and others of the Hindu, Buddhist, etc., faiths? Do we know better what is God's grand design? Dare we shun God's wise decision by shunning those who do not follow that same path as us in arriving at the same destination?
Yes, this is certainly food for thought this Sunday morning in a prelude to the Muslim holy month of Ramadhan. God has said He knows better what He has planned for us. Maybe it is time to not question or dispute what this plan is because surely, if he is really God who is the Creator of us all, He would have been able to create all of us of one faith and avoid all these disputes and killings in His name.
So, whom do we believed at the end? NO ONE BUT YOURSELF
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Your Sunday sermon
They say there are two types of people. There are leaders and there are followers. 1% of the people are leaders while the majority are followers.
Within these two categories are further sub-categories. There are good people and there are bad people.
And within the bad people category there are people who are bad because they are bad by nature while others are bad because they feel they can get away with being bad without getting caught or that later they can always repent and become good whereby they would be forgiven for all the bad they have done.
And this is why people need religion. Religion stops you from being bad and forces you to be good. Without religion there would be no stick and carrot. You get the stick when you are bad and you get the carrot when you are good. It is a form of punishment and reward system. You get punished when you do bad and you get rewarded when you do good.
In short, religion works on the concept of the bribery system. You are bribed through the punishment and reward system when you do bad and good respectively. And since most people are susceptible to bribes they would conduct themselves accordingly depending on whether they wish to be rewarded or whether they do not fear the punishment and do not care much for the rewards.
Over thousands of years mankind has had to conduct itself based on what religion tells them they should do. Religion has been the guideline for our conduct long before the invention of the police force and the legal system comprising of laws and courts.
The history of religion, however, is a history of violence, persecution, cruelty and brutality. In the name of religion mankind has been subjected to much suffering.
The question is who invented religion? And is religion something that God sent us or something that man created to conveniently oppress and suppress fellow man?
I leave it to you to decide how you came to be.
Man has a natural instinct to be bad. But they are forbidden from being bad basically because the religion they believe in forbids it. If the religion they believe in were silent on the issue then most would choose to be bad rather than good. But they have no choice but to be good because they fear that if they are bad they would receive punishment and not receive the rewards promised to good people.
You could say that most people are not good by nature but are reluctantly good. It is not that there are no good people who are good by nature. There are, although they would be in the minority. And you will find that most of the people who are good by nature do not have any religion. Some do not even believe in God. They are good just because they are, by nature, good and for no other reason -- in particular not because they believe in the system of rewards and punishment that religions propagate.
Has religion succeeded in its job of turning us into good people? Or has it instead turned us into hypocrites? How many of us are good because it is in our heart and how many are good because we have no choice but to be good? If religion were silent on what constitutes good and bad and if there are no rewards and punishment for being either what kind of person would we become?
That is something to ponder upon this Sunday. And before you adopt that holier than thou attitude and start moralizing, ask yourself: are you really a good person who has earned the right to preach or are you actually a hypocrite who is not really good but is just a coward who does not dare become a bad person like how you would rather be if given that opportunity?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Conspiracy Theory
Tranlate by Blogger as Below
Had seen a lot of scene of the above in Movies, does it real?? Only if You trusted the Souces from RPK.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A Walk To Remember
As I was young, fresh graduate, very ambitious to achieve my dream, putting up a family, planning the betterment of it, I just conveniently ignore the need that planted deep inside my dad's heart.
My Dad had told me plenty of time that he wish to go back with his sons to where he came from. Guess that was his biggest wish and we just ignored it, having taught that we could do it at later stage.
Still remember, before he was diagnose with Liver Cancer, I told him I will bring him back, and that really make his day. Unfortunately, his wish just can't be fulfill as the strike of the Cancer was so acute.
I went back to his home town then after he passed away, just can't believe a house of 20ftx20ft could occupied the family of so many.
Life Go On, even with the regretted path I learnt, and unable to reverse it. So, If you do have some moment, time that you wish to do whatever, do not hesitate, Please DO IT.
Just try to drop down taught and to remember my dad who passed away 13 years back
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Jokes Pick From Internet
2. 一个男人怒气冲冲地冲进某单位,嚷道:这里是动物保护协会吗?工作人员:是啊,请问是谁欺负你了?
3. 狱长问临刑前坐在电椅上的死囚:你还有什么要求吗?死囚:我只希望你在行刑的时候能握住我的手,让我心里好过一点儿。
4. 女秘书:老板,你太太来电话,她说要在电话里吻你。老板:你先替我收一下,一会儿过来交给我。
5. 王太太怀了四胞胎,并到处向街坊邻居炫耀,说怀四胞胎很不容易,平均要六万次才会发生一例。李太太很惊异:那你还有空做家务吗?
6. 牧师:你们当中有谁正好今天过生日?汤姆欣喜地举手。牧师:很好,礼拜结束后麻烦你把这些蜡烛吹灭。
7. 两个美国中年人一瘸一拐地在街头相遇,其中一个很激动:朋友,越南,1969!另一个指着身后:朋友,香蕉皮,20尺!
8. 病人对医生说:哎呀!我吃的那些生蚝好象不大对劲!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Read Zhao Xun's blog about life, he wrote down the poem I told him when travel back from Auto City Retaurant Tao (Quiet nice buffet dinner) in the blog. SET IT FREE!!! Wonder he managed to do that? I always believe this, IF YOU LOVE SOMETHING, SET IT FREE. no regret till this moment on this.
Surprise to receive Kok Ang's call on the greeting. Guess he remember more on Saw Lee than me? Thanks Old Pal, We shall go for beer sometimes, we had lost that feeling many many years ago.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Friends of 80's

FaceBook had helped me to get back friends of 80's. It kind ot mixed feeling about it. We all were happily grouped together in the 80's, then separated. Some went to US, some Australia, Singapore, mostly KL (UKM,UPM,TAR etc). After graduated, I believed all were struggling to build each's family to the best posibble. Then, here we are, children grown up (At lease mine did), slow down the steps in life, enjoyed every foot Steps we stood, and out of surpise, after joining facebook close a year, my 80's keep on poping out. Guess, in future we could easily called up a get together by using facebook. Just felt nice and comfort when heard news from long gone friends.
Still remember last month when wake up early morning, received a text message from Mee Leong saying "Having breakfast at Mama Store and the Store is playing song from alleycat, HINGGA AKHIR NANTI, remind me of the good time i spent with you and Kok ang". What a Friend! Very Very touching.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Bold Vs Courage
Bought him a Bike, do felt that he appreciated of what I did. Again, I had advancedly done it. Deep inside me, I shouldn't do it as he still techinically disqualify to drive, but when it reflect me to his age, my eagerness to try something new, I decided to teach him openly instead of stopping him. I do not know the consequences which I am going to face by doing this, hopefully it is for the betterness of him.
He is seeing HM to discuss his future. I do hope it will shape him into better perpestive. I only able to encourage him to experience Life, treasure every moments in life, and hope HM able to widen his view on his potential.
He said "Thank You" to me when he received the bike last night. Guess, it is a great moment for him. Fully understandable, but please do have extreme caution when on the Road. Had Been teaching him for the past months on road safety, and I can seeing him do agree with me. Hope this help for his driving experience. TAKE CARE, SON.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Just Some Taughts
How I wish myself to be disposed when earth journey reach the end?? Guess, I surely will like to have my last breath deep down the sea. Imagine, putting on all your SCUBA GEAR, deep hug your beloved for the very last time, slowly deflate the BC and go down with SCUBA Buddy (My Son, I guess), When reach to a point where I am weightless, Look at the surrounding, stared at Buddy for the last time, show him the sign language, and then let go the breath apparatus, Mind flying far far away, brain keep play back my entire life and reflect into my eyes, and then My Journey to Earth came to the End. WONDERFUL. But also hurtful to my beloved wife and son.
What am I going to do for the next 20 years?? Surely to spend it intensively with my wife. Zhao Xun will grown up and will have his life to experience, struggle, to put up a carrer that he wish for, having a family then I guess, have some childrens and grow them up just like what My wife had done for him. Zhao Xun have all the love in family. Sometimes, me and my wife do wonder if we ever have more children, his life will be different and he will have brothers and sisters to share the growing experiences. Again Life is about choices, No U-turn.
How I Like Zhao Xun to Be in next 20 years?? JUST BE HIMSELF and his entirely life. Do not have to follow my path. Life journey to earth to be just a happenning, at particular time and space, we met to each other and share our thinking together, be together and then seperated physically and our taught and expereience will passed on. Everything in this planet is unik to each other, All the while, I passed the experiences (Just like what my dad did), pain, fun, etc in life to him, encourage him to experience it, developed his own mind set, and guess what, I had created a creature which do not fixed into his surrounding, he will be lonely during schooling but then when he is fighting a battle in future, he surely will appreciated the experience he gained at the younger age. He had some friends whom can share his thinking, but most of them just normal friends, it kind of hard. Maybe it is the English Vs Chinese Education background.
That is all. Just a taught, need to go for morning exercise now.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Learnt SCUBA at age 24, and crazy about it since then. However, when family commitment called, practically put behind the sport for 10 years. Having the refresh courses at Redang, and it is great and guess this time my diving buddy will me my son. Had to admit, he swam faster than me, last longer than me now, when he hold the breath and dived, it posted the image of me 20 years back. It's kind of sad but also proud of him. Hopefully he could learn to be more analytical in risk management. SCUBA is an serious sports, it required firm self control, responsibilities. When you are underneath, Single minor mistake KILL.
In Life, we make choices on what available on hand, Zhao Xun will need to make choices on what I provided him. I am making choice to do that, and he need to choose which suit his heart most, and then MOVE ON, no U-TURN.
It's fun to deliver my experience to them, they might be able to digest it, maybe not. Hopefully, they can remember it and I am sure they will understand it in due course.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Mayumi Itwasu 五輪真弓
Her song really touched your heart although You don't have the understanding of the Lyrics. I do remember during the 80's, a lot of Hong Kong singers sang Mayumi's song in Cantenese Version.
Felt so great to have back these songs/feeling. It really brought me back to the 80's.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Best ! Deeply touch Your Heart
援 助 的 钱 , 使 你 感 到 温 暖 。
集 资 的 钱 , 使 你 力 量 无 限 。
奖 励 的 钱 , 使 你 加 倍 实 干 。
积 蓄 的 钱 , 使 你 珍 视 勤 俭 。
受 贿 的 钱 , 使 你 贪 得 无 厌 。
偷 来 的 钱 , 使 你 胆 颤 心 寒 。
贺 喜 的 钱 , 使 你 加 倍 偿 还 。
恩 赐 的 钱 , 使 你 变 成 懒 汉 。
挪 用 的 钱 , 使 你 有 借 难 还 。
How "Man" Are You???
Some Jokes From WEB
女药剂师亲切的告诉他:「医师要我吩咐你,以后上完厕所要用卫生纸擦,别再用水泥袋了欧 ^^~~」